Julia Kagan is a financial/consumer journalist and former senior editor, personal finance, of Investopedia.
Updated March 11, 2024 Reviewed by Reviewed by Roger WohlnerRoger Wohlner is an experienced financial writer, ghostwriter, and advisor with 20 years of experience in the industry.
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A tax-sheltered annuity (TSA) is a type of investment vehicle that lets an employee make pretax contributions into a retirement account from income. Because the contributions are pretax, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not tax the contributions and related benefits until the employee withdraws them from the plan.
Since the employer can also make direct contributions to the plan, the employee gains the benefit of having additional tax-free funds accruing.
The 403(b) plan is a tax-sheltered annuity in the U.S. This plan provides employees of certain nonprofit and public education institutions with a tax-sheltered method of saving for retirement. There is usually a maximum amount that each employee can contribute to the plan, but sometimes there are catch-up provisions that allow employees to make additional contributions to make up for previous years when they did not maximize contributions.
The IRS caps contributions to TSAs at $22,500 for tax year 2023 (increasing to $23,000 for 2024), which is the same cap as 401(k) plans. TSAs also offer a catch-up provision for participants aged 50 or over, which totals $7,500 each year for 2023 and 2024.
Tax-sheltered annuities also include a lifetime catch-up for participants who have worked for a qualified organization for 15 years or more and whose average contribution level never exceeded $5,000 over that period. Including the contribution, catch-up provisions, and an employer match, the total contribution cannot exceed 100% of earnings up to a certain cap.
All qualified retirement plans require that withdrawals begin only after the age of 59½. Early withdrawals may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty unless certain exemptions apply. The IRS taxes withdrawals as ordinary income and requires them to start no later than the year the beneficiary turns 72, up from 70½ after the enactment of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act in 2019.
Depending on the employer's or plan provider's provisions, employees may access funds before age 59½ via a loan. As with most qualified retirement plans, they may also permit withdrawals if the employee becomes disabled.
People often compare TSAs to 401(k) plans. The biggest similarity is that both plans represent specific sections of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) that establish qualifications for their use and their tax benefits. Both plans encourage individual savings by allowing for pretax contributions toward accumulating retirement savings on a tax-deferred basis.
From there, the two plans diverge. Notably, 401(k) plans are available to any eligible private sector employee who works for a company with a plan. TSA plans are reserved for employees of tax-exempt organizations and public schools. Nonprofit organizations that exist for charitable, religious, or educational purposes and are qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRC can offer TSA plans to employees.
A tax-sheltered annuity is a type of retirement plan offered by certain organizations, such as churches, non-profit organizations, and public schools. This plan works like other retirement plans—employees can contribute a certain portion of their annual salaries up to a certain amount each year. These contributions are made on a pre-tax basis. Earnings grow tax-free, which means they aren't taxed until the plan owner begins making withdrawals during retirement.
You may be able to take a loan from your 403(b) plan if your employer allows it. Keep in mind that plans aren't required to provide loans from tax-sheltered annuities. If you need to take a loan from your TSA, check with your plan administrator about your rights and responsibilities.
Both the TSA and 401(k) are retirement plans that come with certain tax advantages to investors. Each allows plan holders to contribute a certain portion of their salary each year up to a maximum ($22,500 in 2023 and $23,000 in 2024).
Also called 403(b) plans, TSAs are designed for certain employees of churches, non-profits, and public schools while 401(k)s are established by for-profit corporations
Saving for retirement shouldn't be difficult, especially when your employer offers a retirement plan. Take advantage of tax-sheltered annuities or 403(b) plans if you work at a church, non-profit, or public school if your employer has one available. You can reap the benefits of tax advantages, such as using pre-tax dollars for your contributions, and you may even be able to get free money in your account if your employer matches your contribution, giving you more bang for your buck.