If you’re having trouble finding a place to buy event tickets for an event you’re setting up, why not save yourself some hassle and simply print them yourself? On this page you’ll find several free printable event ticket templates, great for a work event, church gathering, or birthday party. The first set of admission ticket templates includes a set to twenty tickets. Each ticket is uniquely numbered.
If you need more than 20 distinct tickets, print the second sheet below. It’s identical to first, but has blanks instead of numbers, so you can fill them in yourself. Each event ticket comes with a stub, so the event planner can easily keep track of the guests at the party.
The third sheet below contains a set of blank admission ticket template pdfs. These are great if you want to add your own text to the ticket, rather than the standard “Ticket” text.
Finally, the last sheet has one very large blank admission ticket template on it. This would be a great for a sign or flyer. If you really want to make these tickets stand out, print them out on colored paper.
In order to make your own event tickets, you will need a few more items: A printer, scissors, a bag or box to drop the tickets into, and a prize.
Can’t view the template? Maybe you need a newer version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can get it for free from the official Adobe Site.